Script Toys

This is a repository for some of my amateur workings with JavaScript from when I was younger. Back about 20 years ago, scripts were simple enough that, with some basic tutorial reading and analyzing other Web pages' scripts for code inspiration, I could do some really fun things with basic scripting.

You may notice that Fullervision doesn't rely on a lot of the modern scripting libraries or bloat that most contemporary Web sites do. That's an intentional design tactic on my part. Most of the design work is done from scratch using CSS, with a little help from a WYSIWYG editor to see how my handiwork looks before publishing. The graphics are all either my original work or (more often) from public domain depositories, the fonts are all deeded into the public domain by their creators, and I try to use fonts with relatively small footprints because I grew up on dial-up and though broadband is now almost universal, there are still a few necks of the woods where the only available connection isn't much beyond dial-up. Plus, this is mostly a static site; there aren't a lot of applications where I need (nor would want) to load something after the fact, something that isn't on the page when it initially loads. "Continuous scroll" is more of a pain than it is worth.

Anyway, this is still a work in progress. Right now there's only a little bit on here but as I continue to dig into my archives I hope to bring more of the content onto the page in a way that makes sense in the mid-2020s. Unfortunately, the "cupholder gag" is one I can't put here because it's classifed as malware now (boo! Seriously, though, don't actually use a CD/DVD drive as a cupholder. It's the lack of common sense that is the danger to your hardware, not a silly gag.).

Copyright 2025 J. Myrle Fuller. All rights reserved.
I make no claim to ownership of material linked from this site. Wherever necessary, fair use is claimed.